Days 2-3

Day 2

First, day 2. I didn't actually do much that day. It was just some simple brainstorming and planning out certain ideas. At this point I had all enemy types planned out, and a basic level structure.

Day 3

I got a lot done unlike the previous day. I designed the first draft for all of my levels as well as all of the enemies, and their logic. I'm especially proud of the code behind the UFO's bullets which I wrote totally from scratch to ensure that I used no sub-pixels.

The original beam had to be scrapped unfortunately because it was too difficult to dodge. I put a timer between bullet shots, so that it looked more like this. I also added the death animation for the firework you can see there.

As a final touch up, I added an indicator in the spark trail to show when your invincibility is about to run out (before it cut off abruptly).

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